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Become a Sponsor

HDI Local Chapters

2024 National Sponsorship Program

HDI Local Chapters is the not-for-profit organization that partners with HDI for the success of HDI, HDI Local Chapters, and the IT Service Management and Technical Support communities. Today, we have chapters across the U.S. and are a premiere technical service and support association. HDI Local Chapters is a 501(c)(6) corporation.

We have big plans this year including continuing to grow our membership base, developing local chapter officers, and providing support for our local chapters. Being the largest organization to support and connect IT Service and Support Professionals, we feel these plans are crucial to the industry.

In addition, we are known for our yearly leadership summit event where our local chapter officers, national officers, and sponsors come together for three days to network, strategize, and plan for the future of HDI and the Local Chapters. We partner with HDI who provides two spectacular conferences and expos per year.

Partnering with HDI Local Chapters provides you with a unique opportunity to target a dynamic group of IT Service and Support industry leaders and share your organization’s brand and key message. We believe that a strong partnership between IT practitioners and IT vendors can strengthen and encourage all of us to provide superior service to our clients and customers.

Attached you will find our 2024 Sponsorship Program Overview which describes the benefits of each sponsorship level. If you would like to join us as a sponsor partner, please fill out and sign the contract on the last page and return to us and we will make sure you have a sponsorship reserved for your company.  


The sponsorship levels listed here do not include sponsoring of the Local Chapters. We highly encourage you to also consider sponsoring at the local level as well. This helps our Chapters to provide programs and speakers for our members at the local level.

HDI Local Chapters National Sponsorship Committee

Diamond Sponsor – $15,000 (No longer available for 2024)

All benefits below are valid for a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

  1. Only one sponsor per year for this level.
  2. Company logo and web link will be the most prominently displayed logo and web link  on the HDI Local Chapters website (, social media, newsletters and in communications to members.
  3. Opportunity to speak for ten minutes about your company and/or product on one national officer call during your sponsorship period.
  4. Opportunity to present at one Virtual Event meeting during your sponsorship period.
  5. Featured guest on the HDI Local Chapters “Bytes and Banter” podcast once per quarter which includes company logo and bio at the beginning of each of these quarterly podcasts.
  6. A specialized discount code that can be distributed at your discretion. The discount code will be a predetermined dollar amount off the current price of HDI conferences/training that can be shared publicly by your company within any and all communication channels.  The discount would apply to any HDI online registration/purchase in 2024. Discounts cannot be combined with other offers.
  7. Official sponsor of the 2024 National Leadership Summit, including admission for up to two representatives from your company.
    1. Recognition at the event including an introduction and up to five (5) minute presentation by your representative(s) on stage.
    2. Participate in Summit activities and network with the National and Local Chapter officers.
    3. Opportunity to join attendees for meals and Awards ceremony.
    4. Table for signage and giveaways in a high traffic area at Summit.
    5. Participate in a Sponsor giveaway
    6. Your company name/logo prominently displayed on the General session presentation slides.
    7. Recognition as a sponsor of the dedicated hospitality room to include signage on the door designating Diamond level sponsor.
    8. Recognition as a Local Chapter Officer Leadership Summit Awards dinner Sponsor (including one of the awards given out affiliated with your company). NOTE: These awards are specific and exclusive to the HDI Local Chapters Leadership Summit. These awards are in no way affiliated with HDI.

Platinum Sponsor – $10,000

All benefits below are valid for a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

  1. Company logo and web links will be displayed on HDI Local Chapters website (, social media, newsletters and communications to members.
  2. Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about your company and/or product on one national officer call during your sponsorship period.

  3. Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about your company at one Virtual Event meeting during your sponsorship period.

  4. Featured guest on one episode of the HDI Local Chapter “Bytes and Banter” podcast during your sponsorship period which includes company logo and bio at the beginning of the podcast.

  5. Official announcement as a Platinum level sponsor in one HDI Local Chapters newsletter to include a brief outline of your company and offering.

  6. Official sponsor of the 2024 National Leadership Summit, including admission for up to two representatives from your company. 

    1. Recognition at the event including an introduction and up to five (5) minute presentation by your representative(s) on stage.
    2. Participate in Summit activities and network with the National and Local Chapter officers.
    3. Opportunity to join attendees for meals and Awards ceremony.
    4. Table for signage and giveaways in a high traffic area at Summit.
    5. Participate in a Sponsor giveaway.
    6. Recognition as a Summit Awards dinner Sponsor.

Gold Sponsor – $7,500

All benefits below are valid for a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

  1. Company logo and web link will be displayed on the HDI Local Chapters website (, social media, newsletters, and in communications to members prominently identified as a Gold sponsor.

  2. Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about your company and/or product on one national officer call during your sponsorship period.

  3. Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about your company at one Virtual Event meeting during your sponsorship period.

  4. Official announcement as a Gold level sponsor in one HDI Local Chapters newsletter to include a brief outline of your company and offering.

  5. Official sponsor of the 2024 National Leadership Summit, including admission for up to two representatives from your company.

    1. Recognition at the event including an introduction and up to five (5) minute presentation by your representative(s) on stage.
    2. Participate in Summit activities and network with the National and Local Chapter officers.
    3. Opportunity to join attendees for meals and Awards ceremony.
    4. Table for signage and giveaways in a high traffic area at Summit.
    5. Participate in a Sponsor giveaway
    6. Recognition as a sponsor of the food and beverages provided for breakfast or lunch on Friday, Saturday or Sunday (Choice of one based on availability).

Silver Sponsor – $5,000

All benefits below are valid for a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

  1. Company  logo and web link will be displayed on the HDI Local Chapters website (, social media, newsletters and in communications to members prominently identified as a Silver sponsor. 

  2. Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about your company and/or product on one national officer call during your sponsorship period.

  3. Official announcement as a Silver level sponsor in one HDI Local Chapters newsletter to include a brief outline of your company and offering.

  4. Official sponsor of the 2024 National Leadership Summit, including admission for up to two representatives from your company. 

    1. Recognition at the event including an introduction and up to five (5) minute presentation by your representative(s) on stage. 
    2. Participate in Summit activities and network with the National and Local Chapter officers. 
    3. Opportunity to join attendees for meals and Awards ceremony.  
    4. Table for signage and giveaways in a high traffic area at Summit.
    5. Participate in a Sponsor giveaway
    6. Recognition as a sponsor of the food and beverages provided for a snack break on Friday or Saturday (Choice of one based on availability).  

Bronze Sponsor - $2,500

All benefits below are valid for a twelve (12) consecutive month period.

  1. Company  logo and web link will be displayed on the HDI Local Chapters website (, social media, newsletters and in communications to members prominently identified as a Bronze sponsor. 

  2. Official announcement as a Bronze level sponsor in one HDI Local Chapters newsletter to include a brief outline of your company and offering.

  3. Official sponsor of the 2024 National Leadership Summit, including admission for up to two representatives from your company. 

    1. Recognition at the event including an introduction and up to five (5) minute presentation by your representative(s) on stage. 
    2. Participate in Summit activities and network with the National and Local Chapter officers. 

    3. Opportunity to join attendees for meals and Awards ceremony.  

    4. Table for signage and giveaways in a high traffic area at Summit.

    5. Participate in a Sponsor giveaway

    6. Recognition as a sponsor of the food and beverages provided for a snack break on Friday or Saturday (Choice of one based on availability).

Terms of Sponsorship

- Sponsorship term starts when payment is received by HDI Local Chapters and is valid for twelve consecutive months.

Please fill out completely, sign and return.  Application may be sent via postal mail or scanned and emailed.  Sponsors will receive an invoice once application is received.

Contact Name: 




Mailing/Billing Address:


Suite/ Mail Stop, other:


City, State, Zip:




Alternate Contact:


Alternate Contact Phone and Email:


Sponsorship Level

  • Diamond Level - $15,000
  • Platinum Level - $10,000
  • Gold Level - $7,500
  • Silver Level - $5,000
  • Bronze Level - $2,500





HDI Local Chapters President Signature:


VP of Finance Signature:




Benefits and terms are subject to change, based on agreement with both parties.

Our Sponsors

Check out opportunities to sponsor our national organization or the local chapters. 

Our Events

Learn about national, local chapter, and other organizational events. Don't miss out on the adventure with your peers and other industry professionals.